Tuesday, May 05, 2009


There are many definitions of the word Freedom. Some think that freedom allows you to do as you want to do. However, that is not the Christian view of Freedom. I was listening to a CD by Fr. John Ricardo discussing living as a Christian in the modern world, and he inspired me to dig a little deeper into the subject of freedom. I read articles on the web on the subject, reread the declaration of independence, and read some official dictionary definitions of Freedom. However, one of the best writings that I encountered on this topic was written by Lawrence P. Grayson summarizing related ideas of Pope John Paul II. This article can be found at the following link: http://kofc8736.org/e107_files/downloads/7-11%20The%20Christian%20Concept%20of%20Freedon_May%202008.pdf After chewing on all of this for a while I wrote the following poem. You are certainly free to disagree with me.

By Lou Sciaroni
Inspired by John Adams, Fr. John Ricardo, Lawrence P. Grayson, and Pope John Paul II

Adam and Eve had freedom
When God was at their side
But when they strayed they realized
Without him the truth would hide

Our founders knew this truth
That under God they would be free
Only when life was valued
Could there be true liberty

They knew a country’s freedom
Once lost could be restored
Only through a sacrifice
Of man’s sweat and blood in war

They didn’t die for freedom
Just so we can do as we please
They knew that relative truths and immorality
Brought nations to their knees

They fought and died for freedom
To escape the nets that caught
So they would have the freedom
To live as free men ought

Without this element of freedom
Where the search for truth is found
The value of human life is diminished
And lawlessness abounds

Freedoms soon slowly dwindle
And very few then exist
So let us do what we ought to do
So freedom here can persist

Monday, January 19, 2009

Poem: Dr. King

I wrote this poem a couple of years ago after watching a PBS special on Dr. Martin Luther King. Since our country celebrated his life and dream today, and will witness the Presidential inauguration of Barack Obama tomorrow, I thought tonight was a good time to publish it.

Dr. King
By Lou SciaroniApril 30, 2006

From Selma
To Montgomery
From fear he didn’t run
The concerns of the many
Were greater than the one

He sought
What should be granted
The chains removed again
To live and work on merit
And to be treated as they are men

For justice
And true freedom
Not perfect, but all he gave
And his service to the lowly
Has not ended at his grave

So let us
All remember
That brothers are all of men
Whether black or white, all tones of skin
Lest hate’s shadow will fall again