Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Poem - Tables Were Turned?

On 2 Oct 05, two couples disrupted the Church service at Annunciation of the Lord Catholic Church. The details of the attach can be found on the Decatur Daily site at the following link: http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/news/051003/assault.shtml Here is my take on it.

Tables Were Turned?
By Lou Sciaroni

Just after eleven they were on their way
They’ll turn the tables and make them pay
They’ll teach them not to worship idols
They’ll teach that church just how to pray

They were late but went on in
The mass was coming to an end
They sat right down in the front pew
Welcomed in as they were friends

When the meal was over they screamed and yelled
About idols and the road to hell
Then two of them rushed behind the alter
And with a shove the alter fell

A melee ensued but soon had ended
The four were quickly apprehended
The alter lay broken upon the floor
But not for long, it soon was mended

The wounded spirit would not stray
For their crimes the church would pray
But in the vandals hate still lingered
No tables were turned upon that day

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